Ikatan Mahasiswa Madani atau lebih dikenali sebagai IMAM dikalangan masyarakat kampus merupakan satu-satunya organisasi yang berdaftar dibawah unit agama Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar (HEP) di UiTM Perlis. IMAM bergiat aktif dalam memberi kefahaman dan penghayatan kepada mahasiswa dan juga masyarakat kampus. Keikhlasan setiap mahasiswa/siswi yang menyertai IMAM merupakan asset utama persatuan ini dalam usaha mewujudkan sebuah masyarakat berilmu dan beramal berlandaskan syariat.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

alhamdulillah...inilah kisah pemuda lembut zaman nabi..

Do you know Julaibib? He was an Arab. He was a Madinan.

Probably misshapen or a dwarf, he slunk like a shadow along the margins of “normal” life. Julaibib had no other name. He was not “the son of so-and-so” or “the father of such-and-such.” Rootless. Dark man. No lineage, no tribe - in seventh-century Arab society! Even in Muslim society today that is a huge handicap. Then, it could only mean one thing: total exclusion. Decent people wouldn’t let him in their homes. They sensed something perverted about him. Well, whose personality would not become a little twisted from life as a pariah? They said he hung around women too much. Well, who was he supposed to talk to when all the fine men refused his company? So the cruel circular logic of bigotry circumscribed his life. Maybe he embodied people’s secret fears ... everything they were horrified of becoming.

Marriage was out of the question.

His frustrated desires could have led him to crimes. Vengeance for his undeserved abasement: “You have treated me like a criminal anyway, why shouldn’t I make your accusations true?”

Then came Islam.

Julaibib, may Allah be pleased with him, became a Companion of the Prophet. The Prophet asked an Ansari man if he would let his daughter marry - “Delighted! We would be delighted!” Julaibib. Double take. “Who?!” Horror. To cover for his speechlessness, the Ansari sputtered that he had to ask his wife:

“Julaibib?! Never!” What would the women say? A man like that! How could he even think ... !”

So what about Islam? Did Islam really change anything? Isn’t it the staunchest Muslims, even today, who cling most to the pettiness of status, class, family, custom, nation? Or make token salams to universal brotherhood and sisterhood but balk at letting the concept effect their private lives, their homes, their daughters?

Wait - the Ansari’s daughter, the second-generation Muslim, raised in Islam, hearing her shocked parents’ raised voices, what did she say? “Send me to him,” she said. “Do you refuse the Messenger of God? Send me to him, for he shall certainly not bring ruin to me.” And she quoted from the Qur’an:

“It is not fitting for a believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allh and His Messenger, to have any option about their decision. If anyone disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong path” Qur’an 33:36

Normal, traditional society needs its scapegoat, its innocent victim. Having such pariahs helps glue the rest of the community together, makes them feel satisfied in their “normalcy.” But Islam is not interested in society’s sense of the normal. Islam comes at first gently into traditional society, as the Prophet came to the Ansari parents, appealing to it. Overlapping with some of its values like marriage, family, and stability. Once lodged in the heart of society, however, Islam shows its radical aims of changing forever the basis on which traditional society is comfortably nestled. Changing society’s basis from human interests to tawhid (unity of Allah) interests, from the search for power and the maintenance of class oppression, to the real, pragmatic establishment of that universal equality, tolerance and love which stem from the unity of God.

Not everyone “gets it,” though. Traditional people like these unnamed parents continue to think that Islam is just a veneer of spiritual legitimacy over their usual activities. Fine. Islam can tolerate even that, as long as these activities are harmlessly contained within the petty circle of what these people think is important, do not transgress into the haram (forbidden), and do not impose on the rights of others.

Other, more insightful people, like the Ansari daughter, sense with excitement the radical implications of tawhid and rebel against the traditional deadweight. While Islam, for the parents, only legitimizes the status quo authorities, the daughters of the world see Islam as their rebellion. (The danger is when the daughters know that the parents are wrong, that preserving what exists just because it exists is futile, but equate the parents with Islam and reject both). Notice that the daughter was smart enough not to try to upset the parents’ entire value system. No lectures on tawhid-directed radicalism, just one verse, containing an answer they could not refuse, the only common ground between them: You don’t want to disobey the Prophet, do you?

But sometimes when the night of rebellion gets dark, it seems that the parents really are Islam. Especially in these days when there is no Prophet to help the girl marry Julaibib despite her parents. Who will show us in this night how Islam expands where social customs contract, includes where tradition excludes, produces tolerance and love in place of bigotry and hate, integrates the segregated? Who will marry Julaibib?

The Prophet succeeded in integrating Julaibib in the community, and Julaibib proved that he was a gain for Islam. He died defending Islam against a mushrikeen (polytheist) attack. At the end of the battle, the Prophet went around to each Companion asking, “Have you lost anyone?” Each one named the relatives they had lost. No one missed Julaibib. But the Prophet kept looking: “But I have lost Julaibib! Search for him in the battlefield.” When he found Julaibib, lying beside the seven mushrikeen he had downed, the Prophet said, “He is of me and I am of him.”

Have we lost anyone?

Where is Julaibib?

Originally published in the Spring 1992 issue of Reflections, and the Summer 1992 print edition of The American Muslim.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


salam alaik buat semua warga2 UiTM... dekat di hearty...

di sini ana nak bgtahu tarikh2 penting..
jd semua kena alert k?
ana ulang ALERT!.. penting nie

result exam: 10/12/2009
daftar: 27/12/2009 (tp ada jygak yg kata 2/1/2010
course registratin:21/12/2009-22/1/2010
validation couse:25/1/2010-8/2/2010

ok.. ini dulu yer.. ALERT!!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Imam di usir dari US Airways

MINNEAPOLIS 21 Okt. - Enam orang imam yang diusir dari penerbangan US Airways pada 2006 selepas penumpang lain melaporkan mereka berkelakuan menimbulkan kesangsian telah menyelesaikan tuntutan mahkamah diskriminasi mereka, semalam dengan mendakwa pengusiran itu adalah satu kesalahan.

Kedua-dua pihak tidak mahu mendedahkan syarat-syarat bagi penyelesaian sementara yang diumumkan semalam, dan memerlukan pengesahan daripada hakim persekutuan, tetapi ia merangkumi sejumlah wang tunai.

Marwan Sadeddin dari Phoenix berkata, penyelesaian tidak termasuk permohonan maaf tetapi menganggap pengakuan melakukan kesilapan dari pihak penerbangan sebagai permohonan maaf.

Sadeddin juga tidak menyalahkan US Airway atau pihak berkuasa.

"Ia baik untuk semua dan telah diselesaikan. Perbicaraan tidak diperlukan lagi," katanya.

Sementara itu seorang lagi imam yang juga pengerusi Persekutuan Imam Amerika Utara, Omar Shahin berkata, mereka telah mencapai matlamat yang diinginkan.

Penyelesaian sementara telah dicapai di St. Paul pada Isnin lalu dengan Hakim Majistret Amerika Syarikat, Arthur Boylan.

Pertemuan itu berlangsung selama tujuh jam 20 minit dan syarat-syaratnya dirahsiakan, menurut satu dokumen mahkamah yang telah dilengkapkan semalam.

"Kami masih lagi memuktamadkan butirannya," kata Omar Mohammedi, peguam bela kepada imam tersebut.

Menurutnya, penyelesaian tersebut masih memerlukan pengesahan dari Hakim Daerah AS, Ann Montgomery dan dijangka akan mengambil masa dua minggu atau lebih.

Peguam bela kepada Airways Group Inc., Michael Lindberg bagaimanapun enggan mengulas berhubung kes tersebut. - AP

p/s: makin hari range power org islam makin kecil. buktinya,kalau kita berselisih dgn non muslim di tepi jalan sape yg akan beralih memberi laluan? kita kan? org islam kan? kenapa? rasa rendah diri? jangan begitu.. bumi ni ciptaan Allah SWT,kita pulak hambaNYA yg patuh pd suruhaNYA dan tiggalkan larangaNYA.. kalau nk di ikutkan,kita org islam lebih berhak di bumi ini.. jadi hebat seperti umar.. syaitan pun takut mendengar namanya..

al faqriyyah

Sensitiviti Generasi Muda Terhadap Isu Semasa


فأحسنَ الكلامِ كلامُ الله و أحسنَ الهدىِ هدىُ محمدٍ صلى الله عليه و سلم. ألا و إياكم و محدثات الأمور فإن شر الأمور محدثاتُها و كلَّ محدثاتٍ بدعةٌ كلَّ بدعةٍ ضلالةٌ و كلَّ ضلالةٍ في النار.


Generasi muda adalah aset ummah dan ia merupakan satu institusi utama untuk menggerakkan ummah. Kekuatan tenaga, kecerdasan minda dan ketinggian semangat meletakkan generasi muda di saf hadapan.

Sabda Rasulullah saw.

أُوْصِيْكُمْ بِالشَّبَابِ خيرًا فإنَّهُمْ أرِقُّ أَفْئِدَةً لقد بعَثنِيَ اللهُ باْلحَنِيْفِيّة السَّمْحة فَحالَفَني الشبابُ و خالَفني الشُّيوخ.


Aku berwasiat kepada kamu supaya menanggapi pemuda dengan sebaik mungkin kerana sesungguhnya mereka memiliki jiwa yang mudah dibentuk (lembut dan unik). Sesunggguhnya Allah telah mengutusiku dengan ugama yang lurus lagi tolerensi lalu aku telah dibantu kukuh oleh para pemuda sedang orang-orang tua menyanggahiku.

Sabda Rasulullah saw.

إنَّ اللهَ لَيُعْجَبُ مِنَ الشَّبابِ الَّذي ليستْ لَه صَبْوَة.


Sesungguhnya Allah mengkagumi pemuda-pemuda yang tiada baginya sebarang kerosakkan moral.

( Riwayat Ahmad dan Abu Yu’la )

Generasi Muda harusnya peka terhadap persekitaran dan isu yang timbul justeru di bahu merekalah terletaknya masa depan ummah. Generasi Muda adalah tiang dan harapan ummah. ( Fakta ini adalah jelas kerana: antara elemen pembentukan ummah ialah menganalisis suasana semasa dan suasana semasa seringkali dipengaruhi oleh isu semasa.)

Generasi Muda tak selayaknya alpa dibuai mimpi dan impian palsu, sebaliknya insaf menangani realiti yang mencabar dengan daya sensitiviti tinggi terhadap isu yang berlaku.

Sabda Rasulullah saw.
و من لم يهتم بأمر المسلمين فليس منهم

“… dan barangsiapa yang tidak mengambil berat urusan orang muslim yang lain maka ia bukan dari kalangan mereka.”

Saiyyidina Omar Al Khattab Rha. Berkata:

إنما تنقض عرى الإسلام عروة عروة إذا نشأ في الإسلام من لم يعرف الجاهلية

“ sesungguhnya terungkai ungkaian Islam ( dari seseorang ) serungkai demi serungkai apabila wujud di dalam Islam mereka yang tidak mengerti dan mengenali Jahiliyyah.”

al faqriyyah
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